ePortfolio Update: Boy was I wrong about mobile design

responsivedesignA few months ago, I did a short series about creating an ePortfolio. I’d like to think I got a majority of my advice correct, but boy was I off about how to design for mobile. So, I’d like to take some time to give you an update on my ePortfolio and then talk about responsive web design.

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iDiversity and Livestreaming

In my last post, I talked about how iDiversity uses YouTube to provide a public archive of our events. In this post, I’ll talk about how we utilize Google Hangouts On Air to broadcast our events so everyone can watch in!

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iDiversity and the Video Archive

So, iDiversity is all about learning about diversity in the LIS professional. We’re also all about creating a space for discussion about diversity issues. It’s pretty great! Except when iDiversity members and everyone else who is interested isn’t able to attend our events. You might not have checked out our calendar of events, but it is chock full of great programming from great presenters, speakers, and panelists.  Unfortunately, many of our events take place around 4:30, between afternoon and night classes.

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iDiversity and Google Analytics

As you may know, I was elected the webmaster of iDiversity in September. This position is awesome! I’ve redesigned a website and the logo, and I get to learn/practice webmaster skills that I will hopefully get to put into use in a professional position. What more can you ask from a student organization??

One of those skills is learning how to use Google Analytics. For those of you who don’t know what Google Analytics is, it’s a free service from Google that lets you collect data about how people access and use your site. This doesn’t mean that Google gives you personal information or anything invasive–it just allows the person using the service lots of information they can use to make their website better.

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Graphic Design and iDiversity, pt. 2: Social Networking Chicklets

This is a continuation of my post about iDiversity graphics from a week ago. In that post, I talked about creating new logos for iDiversity, a club that gave me the responsibility of webmaster.

As the webmaster, I get to decide the direction and aesthetic of the iDiversity website. I’ve chosen to go in a clean, colorful, and accessible direction, which, in my opinion, matches the mission and vision of the group. As such, I’ve had to reflect this aesthetic throughout the site. This brings me to the next item up for my graphic design discussion:

2. Social Networking Chicklets

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Graphic Design and iDiversity, pt. 1: Logos

I have not previously mentioned this, but in September I was elected the webmaster for iDiversity, a club at University of Maryland’s iSchool. I get to do all sorts of cool stuff as the webmaster, and I hope I’ll get to talk about all of that in this blog at some time or another.

I’ll start by talking about some of the graphics that I’ve created for iDiversity.

1. New Logos!

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